Greenhouse Publications provides learn-to-read materials for special education, as well as communication boards for hospital workers and first responders.

The HOME & HEALTH SET contains 120 beautiful, laminated, full-color pictures 2" x 2" in size. The pictures depict body parts, hygiene, household chores and ailments. Cut the pictures out, attach fasteners and immediately use in communication books. The set also includes 12 common terms picture cards (ex. yes, no, thank you, etc.) and 4 sentence strips that are appropriate to the set subject. Item #GP21 - $29.95 Order by clicking on the button below!

Home & Health Set
Home & Health Set
Item# GP21

Product Description

Sample uses for the HOME & HEALTH SET:

1. Use the HOME & HEALTH SET picture cards to sequence activities to be performed. (ex: wash clothes/dry clothes/fold clothes). Use to ask "What do I need? (ex: wash clothes/laundry detergent).

2. Use the HOME & HEALTH SET picture cards to make chore charts. (ex: make bed/hang up clothes).

3. Use the HOME & HEALTH SET picture cards to teach body parts, function and the senses.(ex: What do we chew with?)

4. Use HOME & HEALTH SET picture cards for vocabulary words. Turn the cards over to word-only side and ask the student to find a named card. Use as spelling words!

5. Use HOME & HEALTH SET picture cards to work on fine motor skills such as writing, tracing or copying.